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Специалисты по категориям

Fluid & Gas Dynamics, Heat & Mass Transfer Computing, Visualization
Вид деятельности: Разное;

Flow, Heat & Electronics ( FH&E ) performs fluid and gas flows as well as heat and mass transfer computer simulations providing customized and cost-effective solutions for its clients.

In addition, company address a variety of electronics services: radio-physics, electrodynamics, radio-spectroscopy, extremely high frequencies, electromagnetism and developing numerous sensors in these areas, including industrial, construction, military and medical applications.

We suggest innovative security systems, as well.

Company employs a team of professionals holding degrees from various universities. Experts are located throughout the Globe (North America, Western and Eastern Europe, Middle East, Australia, New Zealand) with Head Office - in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada. We are ready for helping our clients both on- and off-site.

Areas of expertise include:

Incompressible and compressible flows
Laminar and turbulent regimes
Stabilized and transient streams
Multiphase fluids, aerosols
Porous media
Ignition, combustion and explosion
Free and forced convection
Interaction of laser radiation with matter

Контактные данные:

Постоянный адрес страницы: https://www.knopka.ca/profi/2789
Адрес интернет сайта: http://flowheel.weebly.com
Местоположение: AB, Edmonton

Просмотров страницы: 10714

Категории бизнеса:
«Разное» в городе Edmonton
«» в городе Edmonton